Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Nordin Becomes a Half-Sarawakian

Hehehehe.. We like to gossip, so here's the latest gossip in town.  It's about our dear CEO, Mr Nordin Abdullah.  Yes.. the tall, white and handsome leader we have.  So come together, and let's start whispering.. Shhhh!!!  Don't let Nordin read this!

You see, recently Nordin returned to the Land of the Hornbills.  Yes, that's true.  He went back... and that's barely after he was in Kuching for our very first MGBF!  The story goes that he was at the Grand Ballroom of Kuching Hilton Hotel, and that he was wearing his 'best' tux for the night. Ahhhhh... You see? Something's going on here =P

Well, the truth is, Nordin was invited by the Sarawak Convention Bureau to attend their third year of the “Anak Sarawak Appreciation Awards”. Yeah, you guessed it, he's one of the recipients, and he joins other forty-five new Honorary Convention Ambassadors which have contributed significantly to Sarawak's MICE industry growth for the past year. All of them with local dignitaries and invited guests were treated to a special “Phantom of the Opera” themed dinner by the Sarawak Convention Bureau which is headed by its Chairman, Yang Bhg Dato Sri Dr. Muhammad Leo Michael Toyad and YB Datuk Haji Talib Zulpilip, whom is the Assistant Minister of Tourism, Sarawak.
Mrs. Jill Henry, CEO of the Sarawak Convention Bureau in her speech said that, the Bureau team is always willing give the best possible advice and support to help their clients every step of the way and we feel that this video somehow sums up what she means by that. (the video loads slow as it is 5 mins and in good quality):
Anyway, a near jumping Nordin said "We are proud to receive such a prestigious award and we are glad to have made Kuching, Sarawak the home of the Malaysia Global Business Forum, and I would like to personally thank all those whom contributed to the success of this event", which is just Nordin, being Nordin. He's so humble, and proof is by him saying 'we' instead of 'I'. I know, you can tell that we love our CEO. =)

And yes, Nordin being Nordin again, said "The Malaysia Global Business Forum was a resounding success, in terms of delegates, media coverage, VVIP attendance, sponsorship engagement and tangible business conducted."

Phew.. That's a mouth full to say, but he is right. The 1st MGBF was a huge success, and to date, we are just as proud as Nordin to say that not less than 5 countries have already requested to send high level delegations to the next Summit in November 2010 although we do feel that Nordin does seems a little too 'extra-ordinarily-happy' to travel back and forth to Sarawak after he has received this award.

Well, we can't exactly speak on behalf of our CEO's excitement for this coming MGBF, but we hugely feel that his anticipation for the MGBF has something to do with Sarawak. After all, he is now already an honorary ambassador of Sarawak, and that makes him half Sarawakian by any means.

To Nordin, congratulations!


  1. Well we know who his mother is, so does that make his father a "hornbill" ....

  2. The video on Sarawk Convention is very unfitting. Why can it not be more in line with the Islamic values ?
    We can achieve more participation by being more 'Malay' then being more 'western'.

  3. I always like it when anonymous people make racial, religious and inflammatory statements and cannot put their names on it. If you want to do that be a real man and/or woman and put your name and contacts.

  4. Well said Anne.

    On a personal note, I'd like to take the video as a way that people whom come to Sarawak for their conventions here to be well treated by the locals whom are well known to be open minded, and very friendly.

    And Nordin... Congratulations on the award! You deserve it.

  5. I am sure that if you have a strong proposal that the people at Sarawak Convention Bureau would be interested to hear from you, what did you have in mind?

  6. I like much MGBF and how do I register? But, I am only a small entrepreneur.



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